It ends the first year of life of the Carmelo Pittera Foundation, and while we travel with our loved ones a time of reflection, balance, it seemed appropriate to carry out a review of the main moments lived during 2017.

After years of research, this year the Carmelo Pittera Foundation was established, which is synonymous with the vanguard in the development of cognitive motor skills, since we offer a different perspective for 21st century education, through the PSI.CO.M system.

The institution arose from the need to have a space that allows to continue with research and pour knowledge into practice and over time.

For years we tried to work on the development of motor skills, of children and young people in different ways, often guided by intuition. However, all the systems have done it incompletely, not being able to seriously address the cognitive work.

Professor Carmelo Pittera, after many years of work in Italy and around the world, deepened the study of learning, proposing a method with a battery of didactic pedagogical proposals applied to physical activity and sport, with a deep look at the decision-making, considerably expanding the possibility of cognitive development.

Without further ado, we share chronologically the tour of our Foundation during 2017:

• We started the PSICOM trainings in different clubs in Argentina.

• Carmelo Pittera was interviewed by Clarín newspaper. Among other things, he warned: “Today, kids do not play on the street.” And he explained why the value of games focused on the cognitive is key.

• For the first time the Pittera Foundation unveiled the PSICOM games in Italy. From a school in Nicosia, Sicily, we help children to cope better in the environment in which they live to facilitate learning through cognitive-motor development. Via streaming, the presentation could also be seen in Argentina and around the world.

• Professors Filippo Spalletta, Carmelo Pittera, Ignazio Sauro and Massimo Sciutto gave a lecture in Castellana, a town in the province of Bari, Italy. More than 100 people participated.

• The foundation presented the first training course for trainers to publicize the PSICOM system. It was really important, to have many people from different parts of Argentina, neighboring countries and even from other continents.

• Carmelo Pittera unveiled the PSICOM at the Tennis Association Verona, Italy.

• Prof. Sciuto Massimo presented the PSICOM in Perugia (Italy) before a large crowd.

• On Saturday, July 8, we began the First Training Course for Trainers at the headquarters of Jorge Newbery, in the City of Buenos Aires.

• Prof. Enrique Quique Edelstein met in Cordoba with figures from physical education and local sports, such as Nicolás Casalánguida, Leandro Lardone Quinodóz, Gustavo Rosotto, Rúben Magnano, Mario Di Santo and Pablo Guzmán. In the exchange of experiences, an important focus was kept on the PSICOM System created by Carmelo Pittera.

• Prof. Filippo Spalletta taught the methodologies of PSICOM in “Nueva Visión”, a swimming pool in Nicosia, Italy.

• New days of the Training of Trainers Course were held. On Teacher’s Day, the participants were honored by exposing the methodologies seen in the PSICOM.

• Carmelo Pittera arrived in Argentina to present the System PSI.CO.M. in different universities of the highest national prestige in physical education and in some of the largest clubs in the country, such as Boca Juniors and Racing Club. He also spoke at the Training Course for Trainers of the Foundation.

• Carmelo Pittera and Quique Edelstein on TV. The authors of the Librería PSICOM System participated in the program of the Argentine Public TV “Marathon 2017”. There, the PSICOM System was made known to the mass public.

• Carmelo Pittera taught a course of PSICOM to the instructors of the Beach Volleyball Academy in Italy.

• The PSICOM in Uruguay. The Secretary of Planning and Development of the Foundation, Mr. Pablo Pascualini exposed the PSICOM system in the Sports Secretariat of Uruguay.

• Pablo Pascualini spoke on “Cognitive-Motor Development” at the Sports Congress, which took place in Morón, GBA, Argentina.

• The book of the Carmelo Pittera Foundation “The PSICOM System” was published in Argentina, the development of cognitive-motor activity between the age of evolution from 4 to 12 years.

• The Gazzetta Dello Sport interviewed Carmelo Pittera. “The PSICOM opens enormous perspectives in the cognitive and motor system, starting with the children,” he said and said: “We are only at the beginning of a job that will have exceptional scientific developments.”

• In Rome, Carmelo Pittera presented the book “The PSICOM System” to outstanding personalities of Italian sports, and the launch was made at the Italian Olympic Committee Sports School, and was attended by Roberto Fabbricini, head of that institution, President of the Gymnastics Federation of Italy, Gherardo Tecchi, the vice-president of the Italian Athletics Federation, and the Fencing World Champion, Paolo Pizzo.

• PSICOM will cross the ocean again to arrive in February 2018 in the United States (Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, and Stanford University), after the successes achieved in Latin America, announced Carmelo Pittera in Italy.

• The author of the book “The PSICOM system” participated in Rome in the presentation of a sports program for high school students in Italy. During the event, Carmelo Pittera held a talk with the head of the Italian Olympic Committee, Giovanni Malagò.

• A year full of challenges awaits us, with the North placed in the teaching of PSICOM, through different types of courses both at our headquarters in C.A.B.A., and in different parts of the country. In turn, we are finalizing the details for the launch of a Diploma of PSICOM in a prestigious educational institution. In the coming days we will announce all the news about it.

• We want to share with you our most sincere wishes for peace, hope and prosperity for 2018, a year in which hopefully all your dreams and projects will be fulfilled. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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